viernes, septiembre 03, 2004


The Doors de la Percepción

Sobre las evasiones:
"El afán universal y permanente de autotrascendencia, no puede ser abolido cerrando de golpe las más populares Puertas del Muro. La única acción razonable es abrir puertas mejores, con la esperanza de que hombres y mujeres cambien sus viejas malas costumbres por hábitos nuevos y menos dañinos. Algunas de estas puertas mejores podrán ser de naturaleza social y tecnológica, otras religiosas o psicológicas, y otras más dietéticas, educativas o atléticas. Pero subsistirá indudablemente la necesidad de tomarse frecuentes vacaciones químicas del intolerable sí mismo y del repulsivo ambiente. "
Las puertas de la percepción, pág. 62


Los Intervencionistas

The Interventionists
Users' Manual for the Creative Disruption of Everyday Life
Art made to attach to buildings or to be given away? Wearable art for street demonstrations or art that sets up a booth at a trade show? This is the art of the interventionists, who trespass into the everyday world to raise our awareness of injustice and other social problems. These artists don't preach or proselytize; they give us the tools to form our own opinions and create our own political actions. The Interventionists, which accompanies an exhibit at MASS MoCA, serves as a handbook to this new and varied work. It's a user's guide to art that is exciting, provocative, unexpected, inspiring (artistically and politically), and fun. From Michael Rakowitz's inflatable homeless shelter and William Pope.L's "Black Factory" truck with pulverizer, gift shop, and giant inflatable igloo to the Biotic Baking Brigade's political pie-throwing, the art of The Interventionists surveys a growing genre and offers a guide for radical social action.

The book classifies the artists according to their choice of tactics: the Nomads, who create mobile projects; Reclaim the Streets, artists who act in public places; Tools for Resistance: Ready to Wear, artists who produce fashion for political action; and the Experimental University, artists whose work engages pedagogy and theory. The accompanying text includes essays by noted scholars putting the work in a broader cultural and social context as well as texts by the artists themselves.



"The final poem will be the poem of fact in the language of fact. But it will be the poem of fact not realized before."


Of Modern Poetry

"Of Modern Poetry,"
by Wallace Stevens

The poem of the mind in the act of finding
What will suffice. It has not always had
To find: the scene was set; it repeated what
Was in the script.
Then the theatre was changed
To something else. Its past was a souvenir.

It has to be living, to learn the speech of the place.
It has to face the men of the time and to meet
The women of the time. It has to think about war
And it has to find what will suffice. It has
To construct a new stage. It has to be on that stage,
And, like an insatiable actor, slowly and
With meditation, speak words that in the ear,
In the delicatest ear of the mind, repeat,
Exactly, that which it wants to hear, at the sound
Of which, an invisible audience listens,
Not to the play, but to itself, expressed
In an emotion as of two people, as of two
Emotions becoming one. The actor is
A metaphysician in the dark, twanging
An instrument, twanging a wiry string that gives
Sounds passing through sudden rightnesses, wholly
Containing the mind, below which it cannot descend,
Beyond which it has no will to rise.
It must
Be the finding of a satisfaction, and may
Be of a man skating, a woman dancing, a woman
Combing. The poem of the act of the mind.

miércoles, septiembre 01, 2004


Caverna platonica y concepto estetico

Un monje, un bandido, un pintor, un avaro y un sabio viajaban en compañía. Una tarde, cuando ya anochecía, se cobijaron en una cueva. "¿Cabe imaginar un sitio más adecuado para erigir una ermita?" dijo el monje. "¡Qué refugio para los fugitivos de la ley!" Exclamó el bandido. El pintor murmuró: "¡Qué temas para el pincel estas rocas y los juegos de la antorcha con sus sombras!" El avaro repuso: "Un lugar excelente para esconder un tesoro". El sabio había escuchado a los cuatro. Luego dijo: "¡Qué hermosa cueva!"
(Apólogo chino del Pe-Yu-King)

martes, agosto 31, 2004


Guatinau (What is Now)

Dioramas Vivientes y Agonizantes
Mi trabajo acontece en un espacio cultural intermedio; en una zona conceptual fronteriza que se ubica entre el sur y el norte; entre Latino y Anglo America; entre el español y el inglés; entre el pasado precolombino y el futuro digital. También soy cruzador de fronteras de oficio. Mi obra artística oscila o zigzaguea entre varios territorios: el performance, la instalación, el video experimental, la radio, la anti-poesía en espanglish, la teoría y, más reciéntemente, el llamado arte digital. En esta texto me voy a ocupar de un solo aspecto de mi obra: el performance que acontece dentro de una instalación y en contextos preñados de implicaciones políticas e históricas.
por Guillermo Gómez-Peña


Lo Que le falta a Colombia

Borges habla de los hidrógrafos que afirmaban que basta un solo rubí para desviar el curso de un río. Bastaría una sola cosa para que Colombia cambie hasta lo inimaginable. Bastaría que cada Colombiano se hiciera capaz de aceptar al otro, de aceptar la dignidad de lo que es distinto, y se sintiera capaz de respetar lo que no se le parece. Ese es el cambio a la vez vasto y sutil del que hablaba. Esa es tal vez la única revolución que necesita Colombia. Por William Ospina


Manifiesto Antropofago on english

Only Cannibalism unites us. Socially. Economically. Philosophically. The unique law of the world. The disguised expression of all individualisms, all collectivisms. Of all religions. Of all peace treaties. Tupi or not tupi that is the question.

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