viernes, agosto 19, 2005


Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth

Queridos estudiantes de Arte de Acciones y Lugares, bienvenidos al blog ARTE .:. VIVA.
Siendo ésta la primera entrada del Semestre (2. de 2005) a la bitacora de nuestros estudios en Artes del Tiempo y habiendo tratado el tema de la reducción y fragmentación del conocimiento y sus consecuencias para el quehacer artístico contemporáneo, les quiero presentar el ensayo Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth de Buckminster Fuller. Los invito a leerla (completa y en su idioma original sería ideal), se trata de una visión avanzada y holística de los desafios históricos que enfrenta el conocimiento humano, para abordar los problemas de la complejidad y diversidad de los sitemas vivientes, sociales, tecnológicos y económicos desde una perspectiva integral con el objeto de optimizar el bienestar y hacer sostenible el equilibrio y la creatividad del planeta.

El punto que más nos concierne por lo pronto, se encuentra en el capitulo 2 que trata sobre El Orígen de la Especialización
Tengo una página introductoria al texto para los que quieran unas píldoras previas, su lectura puede dar una impresión temática, pero no substituye el sentido del segundo capítulo.

Buckminster Fuller (July 12, 1895 - July 1, 1983) was an American visionary, designer, architect, and inventor.

Los Grandes Piratas y su papel en el Nuevo Orden Mundial

"...And this is the way schools began as the royal tutorial schools. You realize, I hope, that I am not being facetious. That is it. This is the beginning of schools and colleges and the beginning of intellectual specialization. Of course, it took great wealth to start schools, to have great teachers, and to house, clothe, feed, and cultivate both teachers and students. Only the Great-Pirate-protected robber-barons and the Pirate-protected and secret intelligence-exploited international religious organizations could afford such scholarship investment. And the development of the bright ones into specialists gave the king very great brain power, and made him and his kingdom the most powerful in the land and thus, secretly and greatly, advantaged his patron Pirate in the world competition with the other Great Pirates..."

Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth part 2

"...But specialization is in fact only a fancy form of slavery wherein the "expert" is fooled into accepting his slavery by making him feel that in return he is in a socially and culturally preferred, ergo, highly secure, lifelong position. But only the king’s son received the Kingdom-wide scope of training." "...However, the big thinking in general of a spherical Earth and celestial navigation was retained exclusively by the Great Pirates, in contradistinction to a four-cornered, flat world concept, with empire and kingdom circumscribed knowledge, constricted to only that which could be learned through localized preoccupations. Knowledge of the world and its resources was enjoyed exclusively by the Great Pirates, as were also the arts of navigation, shipbuilding and handling, and of grand logistical strategies and of nationally-undetectable,therefore effectively deceptive, international exchange media and trade balancing tricks by which the top pirate, as (in gambler’s parlance) "the house," always won."

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