jueves, febrero 09, 2006
Inventor: Brion Gysin
La Máquina de los Sueños o DREAMACHINE fue inventada por Brion Gysin, Artista, viajante del mundo, escritor, alquimista moderno; uno de los más grandes pintores del siglo 20. Expulsado, al igual que muchos otros, por Breton del Grupo Surrealista. Definitivamente la persona que más influenció a William Burroughs para utilizar Cut-ups y permutaciones en la escritura. Permanece aún hoy como uno de los profetas del siglo 20, un Mago con maestría cuyos métodos pueden ser utilizados por toda persona, en todo lugar y momento.
La Máquina de los Sueños surgió de sus observaciones al conducir rápidamente a través de una ruta con una hilera frondosa de árboles en sus costados, la luz de sol intermitente que se colaba entre los troncos lo llevaban a un estado alterado de conciencia. Este efecto ya era conocido por muchos otros que conducen regularmente por rutas pobladas de vegetación frondosa. Los efectos de esta luz intermitente son poderosos. Esto ya era utilizado por Aborígenes del norte de Africa que entraban en trance poniendo su cara en dirección al sol y moviendo rápidamente sus manos con los dedos abiertos entre el sol y sus ojos cerrados.
Con la nueva carrera tecnológica que vivimos, la Máquina ideada por Brion Gysin puede servir para recordarnos que la base conceptual para la gran aventura interior es tan milenaria como el Sol y los árboles. La belleza de esto está en su simplicidad, la ecología de su construcción, que no requiere mucho más que un cartón y el reciclaje de uno de las muy abundantes, y casi siempre abandonadas, bandejas de discos de 78 r.p.m.
Muchos usuarios de la Máquina de los Sueños se refieren a ella como un "viaje" que no necesita de drogas, pero con un fuerte énfasis en las áreas inconscientes del estado Onírico. La Máquina de los Sueños es un pasaporte para entrar en este reino, una vez que llegues allí, ya no hay más aduanas, ni barreras policiales, ni siquiera leyes que puedas transgredir; un viaje de exploración sin restricciones.
Una parte de todo proceso Mágico es la construcción de las herramientas propias, esta es una verdad tan antigua como el Arte Mágico. Las Instrucciones para construir la Máquina de los Sueños permiten que te internes en este proceso -que logres crear una Máquina de los Sueños absolutamente tuya. Al conseguir una bandeja de discos de 78 r.p.m., dibujar y recortar el diseño del cartón y finalmente construir la Máquina de los Sueños, estarás trabajando activamente en la más antigua de las tradiciones; tan sólo han cambiado las herramientas. Los Magos siempre han tenido la extraordinaria capacidad de utilizar todo aquello que llegue a sus manos. A pesar de todo el dogma que uno pueda leer, la Magia y el misticismo son realmente una de las disciplinas menos dogmáticas que alguna vez hayan existido. Es posible añadir dibujos y diseños propios, Sigils, o cualquier otro detalle que te agrade tanto en el interior como en el exterior de la Máquina de los Sueños, al igual que una miríada de culturas distintas ha hecho con sus herramientas mágicas desde tiempos remotos.
Instrucciones para construir una
Máquina de los Sueños (DREAMACHINE)
sábado, febrero 04, 2006
Dia Sin Carro

The original Car Free Day proposal set out a challenge for a city, neighborhood or group:
- • To spend one carefully prepared day without cars.
- • To study and observe closely what exactly goes on during that day.
- • Then, to reflect publicly and collectively on the lessons of this experience and on what might be prudently and creatively done next to build on these.
The point of departure for this exercise was the determination that you cannot usefully engage in meaningful dialogue with addicts, that what you have to do is start treating them in some way. As often as not this meant thrusting the poor souls into a no-choice situation, at least for a time. In this particular instance the proposed "treatment" was to find an answer to the following question in three main parts:
- • Is there a way to get drivers out of their cars in one or more cities...
- • In ways which will be tolerable in a pluralistic democracy...
- • For at least be long enough to allow those concerned to learn a great deal more about the whole complex of things that need to be adjusted and introduced to make a car-less (or, more accurately, less-car) urban transport paradigm actually work?
One of the main tasks of planners and policy makers is to ask creative questions. Another is to create a process whereby these discussions are brought into the political and technical planning processes.
Car Free Day
Car-free zones
Car-free movement
World Naked Bike Ride
Critical Mass
Reclaim the Streets
Critical Mass
Worldwide Critical Mass Hub
Flickr Photos tagged with Critical Mass
How to Start a Critical Mass Ride
miércoles, enero 25, 2006
The SMS revolution has opened up an entirely new layer of communication between people with its own codes, language and conventions. It is one of the fastest-growing consumer products ever and all the more remarkable because it was never intended to happen. Mobile phone owners discovered they could utilise a part of the phone reserved for engineers to communicate with each other. The rest is history. Not all texting is benign. In Australia texts were recently used to orchestrate racist meetings and in China, the world's biggest cellphone market, there are reportedly 2,800 surveillance centres to monitor traffic. Overall, though, texting is a force for good, expanding the freedom to do things including cross-generational conversations, dating, voting in game shows, writing poetry, alerting passengers to aircraft delays, launching marketing campaigns or simply adding a little extra to the everyday joys of conversation. Even when the text news is bad, we should not simply blame the messenger.
Wednesday December 21, 2005
The Guardian
martes, enero 24, 2006
Happy slapping: Performatividad criminal
Happy slapping is the term used to describe a recent fad whereby a person, or group of persons slap an unsuspecting victim (usually women or lone men) while an accomplice films the assault using any form of video recording device, most commonly as camera phone or a smart phone. It is thought to have first become popular in South London, but it has now spread across Europe and North America.
Although the concept of filming a crime is an old one, the ease and general availability of video cameras in mobile phones means that such attacks need not be planned carefully beforehand and are more easily watched and circulated afterwards. Some political and media commentators have alleged that the craze is inspired by television programmes such as Jackass and Dirty Sanchez. Others have attempted to have the issue viewed and treated as a moral panic.
Happy slapping can often become more violent than a mere slap, and may include a strike or even a physical attack. Sometimes the assault is performed with other crimes, such as mugging and rape. Other much more vicious variations of the "happy slap" have also been reported, at least one of which has resulted in the death of the victim.
In December 2005, a 15 year old girl, Chelsea O'Mahoney—initially not named in the media because of legal reasons, this later changed at the sentencing to "name and shame" her [1]—and her co-defendants Reece Sargeant, 21, Darren Case, 18, and a youth, David Blenman, 17, were all found guilty of the manslaughter of David Morley near Waterloo Station, in London. Barry Lee, 20, and another 17-year-old were cleared of all charges. "The 15 year old girl had told Morley that she was making a documentary about 'happy slapping' before her gang of friends kicked him to death."Snuff Movies
Flash Mob
sábado, enero 14, 2006
Una Vanguardia Medieval
- Service to humanity, particularly the poor and helpless.
- This was, curiously enough, combined with the ideal of the crusade. Francis believed that they should seek to convert the Muslims rather than simply fighting them.
- Francis was uninterested in intellectual pursuits. He felt that religion was a matter of the heart, not of the mind.
- He was imbued with a romantic ideal, considering himself a troubadour of God and a wooer of Our Lady Poverty.
- He also felt himself to be a part of the natural world, a startling break with the past tradition of viewing Nature as an enemy to be subdued.
- He did not view humility as an exercise to subdue the sense of self, but was humble because he felt himself to be humble. Humility was, for Francis and his followers, a recognition and acceptance of one's self.
- He was a practical mystic, emphasizing the need for personal, direct and individual union with God.
- His sense of piety was a natural one. His obedience to the Church was based upon his own lack of interest in theological matters.
- He and his followers were filled with a sense of personal joy that was evident to all who crossed their paths.
viernes, agosto 19, 2005
Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth

Siendo ésta la primera entrada del Semestre (2. de 2005) a la bitacora de nuestros estudios en Artes del Tiempo y habiendo tratado el tema de la reducción y fragmentación del conocimiento y sus consecuencias para el quehacer artístico contemporáneo, les quiero presentar el ensayo Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth de Buckminster Fuller. Los invito a leerla (completa y en su idioma original sería ideal), se trata de una visión avanzada y holística de los desafios históricos que enfrenta el conocimiento humano, para abordar los problemas de la complejidad y diversidad de los sitemas vivientes, sociales, tecnológicos y económicos desde una perspectiva integral con el objeto de optimizar el bienestar y hacer sostenible el equilibrio y la creatividad del planeta.
El punto que más nos concierne por lo pronto, se encuentra en el capitulo 2 que trata sobre El Orígen de la Especialización
Tengo una página introductoria al texto para los que quieran unas píldoras previas, su lectura puede dar una impresión temática, pero no substituye el sentido del segundo capítulo.
Buckminster Fuller (July 12, 1895 - July 1, 1983) was an American visionary, designer, architect, and inventor.
Los Grandes Piratas y su papel en el Nuevo Orden Mundial
"...And this is the way schools began as the royal tutorial schools. You realize, I hope, that I am not being facetious. That is it. This is the beginning of schools and colleges and the beginning of intellectual specialization. Of course, it took great wealth to start schools, to have great teachers, and to house, clothe, feed, and cultivate both teachers and students. Only the Great-Pirate-protected robber-barons and the Pirate-protected and secret intelligence-exploited international religious organizations could afford such scholarship investment. And the development of the bright ones into specialists gave the king very great brain power, and made him and his kingdom the most powerful in the land and thus, secretly and greatly, advantaged his patron Pirate in the world competition with the other Great Pirates..."
Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth part 2